The Must Attend Conference Series for Microbiome Researchers in Industry

Since 2016, the Microbiome Movement has continued to establish itself as the definitive platform for translational microbiome researchers, tailored to your industry. For each industry where the microbiome will have a real impact, we're building an exclusive community for you to maximize this opportunity.

Download our series prospectus to learn how we can help you push your microbiome-focused program to the next level.

Join The Microbiome Movement

Spex prospectus 2022

Access the series prospectus to access key event information, audience breakdown, testimonials and partnership opportunities.

“The summit is a terrific opportunity to learn about new technology advancements, meet the companies and researches engaged in such activities and keep abreast of industry trends.”


• “Possibly the best conference in the agricultural microbiome space - a great mix of basic scientific research and product development from universities, multinationals and start-up companies.”


“This was a phenomenal conference and one that I would highly recommend to colleagues. This was one of those rare conferences where I didn't want to leave the room for one minute as I was afraid I would miss something very relevant.”

Eversole Associates