Meet the Growers: Educating on Workflow & Application to Inform Your Products & Increase Chances of Adoption

Time: 9:01 am
day: Pre-Conference Workshops


Growers are looking to invest in products that are compatible with resources and current field applications, provide optimal yield and diversity – but what are the unexplored secrets? What tools and applications are currently being used in the field to promote crop growth? How do you find that balance between science and marketing to communicate effectively to growers?

Join this workshop with our trusted farmers to ask your questions, learn what good looks like, and the exact details of what your farmers need from you.

  • Discussing current equipment and tools taken under a grower’s wing to identify needs that need to be met and deliver accordingly
  • Identifying from a grower’s perspective how to better integrate products into the workflow and differentiate from competitors
  • Adapting to language and data requirements to ensure a holistic understanding on how to present products to meet grower expectations
